Chun Gui Yang

Akupunktur expert

070 727 6565 (svenska, 中文)

Expert på kinesisk medicin

Över 40 års arbetslivserfarenhet

Dr Yang är bra på att behandla olika svåra och komplicerade sjukdomar

Jobbar torsdag och lördag.

(måndag, tisdag, onsdag och fredag i Ropsten)

Jie Lai

Senior Acupuncturist

070 439 00 21 (English, 中文)

Master of Chinese Medicine

Over 15 years work experience

Lai Jie is a TCM physician who holds a master’s degree in acupuncture from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She has worked in the First People’s Hospital of Chengdu, China for more than ten years and has accumulated rich clinical experience. She is particularly good at acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment for post-stroke rehabilitation, infertility treatment, and has accumulated rich experience in the conditioning of cervical, shoulder and lumbar pain, depression, and sub-health status.

Works on Monday to Friday

Martin Eriksson

Akupunktur Läkare // Acupuncture Doctor

079 354 46 86 (Svenska, English, 中文)

Mastersexamen i Akupunktur-Moxibustion och Tui-Na Massage // Master of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tui-Na Massage

5 års klinisk erfarenhet // 5 years clinical experience

Dr. Eriksson har erfarenhet av att behandla migrän, huvudvärk, tinnitus, smärta i nacke, axel, rygg, osv., mensvärk, sömnbesvär, depression, m.m // Dr. Eriksson has experience in treating migraine, headache, tinnitus, pain in neck, shoulder, back etc., menstrual pain, insomnia, depression, etc.

Arbetstider: Tisdag-Lördag // Works Tuesday to Saturday

För att kunna erbjuda den bästa möjliga behandlingen måste vi utföra en konsultation för alla nya patienter.


Konsultation + akupunkturbehandling: …………………………………… 1200 kr

TKM överläkare, Dr. Yang: konsultation + akupunkturbehandling: ………. 1350 kr

Akupunkturbehandling: ……………………………………………….….. 850 kr

TKM överläkare, Dr. Yang: akupunkturbehandling: ………………………. 900 kr


Eldkoppning: ……………………………………………………………… 100 kr

Moxibustion: ……………………………………………………….……… 150 kr


Important information!

In order to provide best possible care for our patients, we need to perform a consultation for all new patients.


Consultation + acupuncture: …………………………………………. 1200 SEK

Chief TCM physician, Dr. Yang: consultation + acupuncture: ……….. 1350 SEK

Acupuncture: …………………………………………………………………. 850 SEK

Chief TCM physician, Dr. Yang: acupuncture: ……………………………. 900 SEK


Fire cupping: …………………………………………………………… 100 SEK

Moxibustion: …………………………………………………………… 150 SEK

Boka Tid / Make Appointment


Google Reviews

matthias A
matthias A
Just passed this shop and wanted to look inside, we got a very nice welcoming tour and tea 🙂
Val L.
Val L.
I tried it last Sunday for the first time. I must say I was very impressed. I had my session with Dr. Chun Gui Yang who was very friendly and professional. At the end of the session I was extremely relaxed, like I have never been before in my life. When I walked out, I felt so peaceful and everything around me looked so beautiful. It was a beautiful sunny day so I took a nice walk and took pictures in the city. During the whole day, even when I got home, I noticed my blood circulation was significantly improved as I did not feel cold and did not need to wear a jumper at home. I am looking forward to the next session!
Reviews W.
Reviews W.
Save this center! I’ve tried a bunch of kinesiology doctors and center, and this one is definitely in TOP 3.Helped within 30 min, exceptional result.
Moi I
Moi I
I can’t even praise this place or Jaden for his amazing approach and help. I have had back pain for some years now and always disguised it with painkillers and hot water bottle every night.I contacted Jaden for a cupping and acupuncture session and he recommended the massage and acupuncture. I have not felt this good in a while.I walked in with an dull aching pain in my lower back and walked out so Much better.He knew exactly what was wrong as soon as he examined me and knew what points to pressure.I’m going back Friday before I leave, but every time I’m down in Sweden from now on I’m booking an appointment.Good service like this is quiet rare now days, if you need any help BOOK HIM.This is a genuinely happy customer, that can’t thank and praise you enough.Habs
Luciana L.
Luciana L.
Highly recommend it! Jaden is very friendly, kind, thoughtful, and professional. He took the time to understand my needs (both physical and mental), had great recommendation and have been genuinely trying to help me. His kindness meant so much! I have been there for acupuncture and massage few times. Both were amazing and very helpful in many ways! The neck massage made my migraine and brain fog disappear. The low back massage really helped with period cramps. And the acupuncture made me feel like a general rebalance of my body. Looking forward for the next appointment! 🙂
Judith van H.
Judith van H.
Life saver! Very friendly and good service to start with. I had an emergency, major spasm in my neck after Laptop work… Friday afternoon what to do? I called, they made time end of the afternoon, stayed open longer for me, helped me with a good, firm, professional and pain relieving massage. It saved my weekend. So happy thank you!
I am grateful for another day to S.
I am grateful for another day to S.
Highly recommended! I have enjoyed two acupuncture + massage treatments so far. At the first visit Jaden took a lot of time to check my tongue, pulse, blood pressure etc. he asks a lot of question to give me the right treatment. I was afraid that the needles will hurt;-) but I realized very quickly that I am in professional hands! The needles don't hurt, he is so quick and good at it that you will not feel anything. You might feel on some acupuncture points a bit of energy sensitivity, but this will go over in seconds. He is also a very good massage therapist. Normally I don’t like the idea of a massage from a stranger, but Jaden is very descret and professional. I have never felt so comfortable with a treatment like this. The room is super warm, and he placed blankets and extra heating lamps over my body, that I felt relaxed and warm during the treatments. Totally worth it to travel 60 - 80 min. to the city. I booked 10 treatments and will update if anything else needs to be mentioned. Otherwise, I can only recommend you to book your treatment with this clinic. The combination of massage + acupuncture is perfect! Thank you so much, Jaden - Looking forward to my next appointment with you.
Daniel V.
Daniel V.
Certificate an der Wand, Talent in den Händen. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Ellinor E.
Ellinor E.
Fantastiskt ställe! På alla sätt! Fått fin hjälp med hudutslag/huvudvärk och träffat väldigt duktiga och trevliga människor!
E B.
E B.
Första gången jag prövar akupunktur, absolut inte sista! Trevligt bemötande, mysig och lugnande stämning i lokalen. Akupunkturen kändes väldigt bra, Lin kände direkt vart jag hade ont och poängterade det och smärtan gick över. Kommer absolut tillbaka 🙌
Johan W.
Johan W.
Duktiga och kunniga
kerstin H.
kerstin H.
Bäst i stan!!! Mycket professionella och trevliga. Lulu är en fantastisk massör.Tack vare Lin och Lulu har jag blivit av med mycket av den värk jag haft i nästan 6 år på5 veckor!!!!!!!!
Chantal D.
Chantal D.
Super professioneel, heerlijke voetreflexologie behandeling. Zeer vriendelijke mensen!!
Kelly L.
Kelly L.
very comfortable! Mycket bekväm massage
Victor Manuel Jiménez S.
Victor Manuel Jiménez S.
l had a terrible deep back pain that was killing me. Then l had a medical massage. He is awsome, an expert. Immediatly he realized what the source of the pain was. With the massage, the pain dissapeared. I cannot express my gratitude and my satisfaction enough. A true professional.
Pinar Elcin M.
Pinar Elcin M.
An accurate diagnosis and aadvice for 99kr
Very helpful and a quick true diagnosis.Thank you Lin.
Rönnarps Mur & Bygg A.
Rönnarps Mur & Bygg A.
Bästa doktorn i stan
Heli H.
Heli H.
Mycket behaglig och lyhörd doktor som alltid har gott om tid. När du kliver in till Dr Lin, lämnar du tempot/stressen från Gamla stans folktäta gator utanför.
marcie G.
marcie G.
Sehr gute Diagnose und Akupunktur/Massage-Behandlung bei akutem Rückenschmerz; dabei nur kurze Wartezeit vor Ort. Gute Tipps für die weitere Behandlung und Training. Absolut positiv - DANKE!
Deepak S.
Deepak S.
It is an awesome experience to check your health condition by just seeing your Palms and heart beats. All the medicine recommended are very natural and herbal. One can try and though it’s a bit expensive.
Lee S.
Lee S.
Med värkande kropp ramlade vi in hos Lin för att få lindring, nack och axel massage va de som lockade oss. Med fingertoppskänsla trollade han och resultatet var enastående!!!// Lee och Ingela
Victoria B.
Victoria B.
Nack- och axelmassagen var underbar. Lagom tid för en paus från shopping och strosande i Gamla stans gränder. Mycket proffesionellt bemötande och på den korta tiden kändes min kropp genast bättre. Han hittade dessutom problemområden direkt och uppmärksammade mig på dessa. Rekommenderar starkt.
Jasmine C.
Jasmine C.
Massage is gentle with patient explanation of why muscles and tendons are aching and in pain .. though need time to see how effective. Bought a recommended ointment to try to relieve pain
Michael K.
Michael K.
I en mysig del av Gamla Stan möts svensk historia och asiatisk läkekonst hos Lins Naturlig Hälsa. Här kan du få en välgörande och avslappnande nackmassage som gör gott inför, under eller efter en dags strosande och shoppande i storstaden.
Elena S.
Elena S.
While walking in Gamla Stan (Old town) we found the Lens Natural Health. After few days of city sightseening and a lot of walking I needed a massage. Once I've entered I felt a soothing atmosphere. The massage for my neck and shoulder was great and I felt very relaxed. I would highly recommend Lin and Lins Naturlig Hälsa.
Bo S.
Bo S.
Skönt med masage för trötta axlar o nacke. Efteråt fick jag en bra förklaring till besvär o stela muskler och blev rekomenderad hur fortsatt behandling ska göras för att lindra problemet.
Philipp S.
Philipp S.
Der verspannte Nacken nach einer Nacht auf einem unbequemen Bett ist nach den 15 Minuten weg gewischt. Für eine Kurztherapie auf Reisen ideal.
Lucio L.
Lucio L.
Very good and profissional. I recomend.
Christel van der V.
Christel van der V.
Visited on our trip to stockholm, got a good massage and advice after a chinese diagnostiks (pulse and tongue) and showed us a lot of chineze herbs and a classic swedish formula. thank you very much
Vincent H.
Vincent H.
Lens natural health delivers an excellent massage on your neck and shoulders in just 15 minutes. i went from feeling sore from careying a backpack and suticase to feeling wonderful after. I definitely would recommend this!
Very nice place for a good traditional Chinese massage. Excellent practitioner who explains what he is doing and how to improve your health.
Ingrid Falconer R.
Ingrid Falconer R.
Veldig behagelig neck & shoulder massasje. Utrolig at 15 minutter gjør en så stor forskjell. Føler meg så avslappet med ny energi. Har mye å lære av Østens skikker. Anbefales.
Olle W.
Olle W.
Otroligt skönt, väldigt trevlig massör och känslan efteråt jätte bra med bra tips och naturmedel 🙂
claes J.
claes J.
Dette stedet anbefaler på det sterkeste. Han kunne sine saker med å masere. Kommer gjærne igjen. Fin atmosfære og god stemning. Føler meg lett og fin etter en behandling.
Birger S.
Birger S.
Perfekt för trötta muskler.
Abbas A.
Abbas A.
väldigt duktigt på massage
Marie H.
Marie H.
Un excellent moment de détente et de bien être après un long moment de marche. Accueil chaleureux par mr Lin avec une tasse de thé . Je recommande vivement.
A true master of healing: Mr. Lin provides professional chinese diagnosis on a very profound level as well as traditional herbal remedies from a fully equipped officine. But to our astonishment (and inspiration of our kids) he is a very kind and friendly practitioner of the inner art of Qi-Gong and Wu-Shu.In short: A true gentleman and healer in the best sense and all aspects of the Dao.Clear recommendation for a massage and traditional chinese medicine from me!
Cecil Marie Schou P.
Cecil Marie Schou P.
Blid og god massage, jeg fik skuldermassage i 15 min og det var meget afslappende og dejligt. Afslappende og rolig stemning, man føler sig tryg og i gode hænder. Vil meget gerne vende tilbage.
Michelle C.
Michelle C.
Det var en god start på dagen, en god måde og få løsnet op i kroppen på. Kan varmt anbefales hvis man kommer på disse kanter!
Matthias L.
Matthias L.
Spannende Akkupressurmassage in Stockholm. Ungewöhnliche chinesische Chairmassage mit einem Masseur der die Triggerpunkte mit seinem goldenen Finger trifft und für Entlastung sorgt. Er hat sogar gute Tipps für weitere Behandlung parat. Vorbeischauen lohnt sich!
Daniel R.
Daniel R.
Very good traditionally massage, 15 minutes massage reliefs a lot of pain from my neck and shoulder!I like it a lot and will come back next time i am in Stockholm!
Alyssa K.
Alyssa K.
Very good acupuncture and massage combo. I highly recommend it to get back into the flow of things after a long flight or even just to get the knots and cranks out. Very professional job
Dawn B.
Dawn B.
Had a great acupuncture session
V p
V p
Erittäin mukava tapaaminen Tukholman vanhassa kaupungissa. Hyvän 15 minuutin hieronta on suositeltavaa.
Jesper N
Jesper N
Very comfortable and Good price massage, There is also many good chinese herbs
Uilani B
Uilani B
We found this wonderful massage place just walking down the street in Stockholm. Fantastic massage and skill. We'd definitely come back in the future. What a great atmosphere and friendliness coming in. Cannot be beat!
Amber C.
Amber C.
I had a nice experience on massage. I had a serious shoulder pain and the massage really helped reduce the pain and relaxing as well.
maria B.
maria B.
Veldig hyggelig møte på vår vei gjennom gamla stan i Stockholm. Fikk god 15 minutters massasje, kan anbefales.
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